On December 25, 2024, an action drama titled ‘Baby John’ was released, directed by Kalees, featuring Varun Dhawan as DCP Satya Verma, Keerthy Suresh as his wife Meera, and Wamiqa Gabbi as Tara, their daughter’s teacher.The film follows DCP Satya Verma, who, after killing the son of a powerful politician, […]
Day: December 25, 2024
An Army vehicle descended into a 350-foot gorge in Jammu and Kashmir district, which killed 5 soldiers. A vehicle carrying 10 army personnel, lost control of the vehicle, due to which it fell into a 350-foot gorge resulting in the death of 5 soldiers. In the accident the vehicle belonged […]
Dec 25, Wednesday: Tulsi Puja is observed on December 25th as Tulsi Pujan Diwas, which is significant in Hindu tradition. The Tulsi plant, also known as holy basil, is revered as a manifestation of Goddess Tulsi, an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi. The plant is believed to bring prosperity and well-being […]