Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma has been sentenced to imprisonment for 3 months in a cheque bounce case. A day before popular Bollywood film director Ram Gopal Varma announced the making of his latest venture “Syndicate” Mumbai’s magistrate court convicted and sentenced him to three months.
The Magistrate court in Andheri had scheduled the verdict in the cheque bounce case for Tuesday. The case is 7 years old. The director remained absent in the court. The Magistrate court ordered the issuance of a non-bailable warrant (NBW) against Ram Gopal Varma. He was sentenced to an offense punishable under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, which penalizes the dishonor of a cheque.
The act states that if a cheque is returned unpaid, the drawer of the cheque may be punished with imprisonment or a fine.
The filmmaker is to pay a compensation amount of Rs.3.72 lakh to the complainant within three months or he will have to suffer simple imprisonment for three months.
A company named Shree initiated a case of cheque bounce through Maheshchandra Mishra in 2018. The case was against Varma’s firm. The case was filed against Ram Gopal Varma’s firm. The director who has achieved success with films like Rangeela, Satya, and Sarkar, has failed to make a mark in recent years and was facing financial problems, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic when he sold his office.
In June 2022 he was released on bail by the court on executing PR and cash security of Rs.5,000. When he was sentenced on Tuesday. magistrate YP Pujari stated, “No question of set-off under Section 428 of the code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 as the accused has not spent any period in custody during the trial.” Keep Reading Questiqa India and Questiqa Bharat for more.