This Hyderabad-based stand-up comedian, who also bashed Ola for the same reason last year but now he pinpointed Blinkit CEO Albinder Dhindsa, as the New Year arrived. He shares his views on pinning the darker side of this topic. He took X as a platform to share his thoughts and shared Blinkit’s statistics, which he said the gig workers have been exploited harshly. The official Gig Workers Union have replied to his post, Thanking him for acting as a speaking voice for them, they also stated the delivery partners have been burdened with operational and unfair terms and also emphasized saying, “They suck the blood out of the workers”.
Blinkit is a quick commerce app that promises deliveries within 5- minutes and also reports its highest-ever deliveries in a single day. Kamra is known for his humor and comedy and jokes about society, politics, and TV advertisements.
However, he condemns that due to the exploitation it has been killing the aspirations of many workers. Right now his post has been viewed over 778k times, and many comments and locals have been interacting with the post. Many locals have supported his statement and said that Swiggy and Zomato have been creating jobs, one of them also said that the workers are paid around 20-30k on average which is the average salary of an IT graduate so they should be grateful.
Blinkit has claimed that their earners can earn up to 50k a month per month which also includes monthly incentives with medical insurance and flexible hours. In 2024 Kamra called out the Ola founder Bhavish Agarwal over the after-sales service of Ola electric scooters.